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03.06.1944. 100 BG. 349 Squadron U.S.A.A.F. B-17. 42-31051 2nd. Lt Koper Location: North of Hannover

Remembrance Day Is Everyday

This reproduced page is from our first website. It is now listed for review and reconstruction to a new high standard, as with many such pages it holds inaccuracies created by an inappropriate cause to be disclosed.

Mission: Berlin, Germany.

Date: 3rd June 1944 (12.13hrs - last sighted)

Unit: 349 Squadron (100 Bomb Group)

Type: Boeing B-17G ("Goin Jessies")

Serial No: 42-31051

Code: EP - K

Location: North of Hannover


Pilot: 2nd Lt Robert C. Koper 0-804460 Killed

Co Pilot: 2nd Lt Gordon C. Lien 0-755584 POW

Navigator: 2nd Lt George H. Wing 0-692122 Killed

Bombardier: 2nd Lt Thomas O. Drinkwater 0-682066 POW

Radio/Op: S/Sgt. Michael J. Tanowigch 18058006 Killed

Engineer: Sgt. Charles P. Corea 32144962 POW

Ball Turrett Sgt. Charles J. Luquette 18226230 Killed

Right Waist: Sgt. Ralph V. Zarzecki 33425880 Killed

Left Waist: Sgt. Arthur Frankel 12191378 Killed

Tail: Sgt. Bernard Sundin 39202524 Killed


Transcriber's Notes Regarding This MACR: When this crew joined the 100th 24 Feb 44 the ROG was T/Sgt Weston H. Rodkey. On 6 MAR 44 T/Sgt Michael J. Tanowigch, Original 100th from the Sammy Barr Crew #4 was flying in place of Rodkey. The crew with the exception of Tanowigch (On his second tour) had flown four (4) missions. Koper ordered the crew to bail out, remaining to fly the aircraft during the bail out and was alone in the aircraft when it exploded. Crew was flying "Goin Jessies" from the 351st Bomb Squadron on the Berlin Mission.
An un-identified eyewitness reported as follows: "At 1213 hours north of Hanover an aircraft which may have been No: 051 was attacked by enemy fighters and was shot down. Four or five chutes were seen. This sighting is not definitely identified as No: 051 - it could have been No:170."
B-17 "Goin Jessies" (Courtesy 100th Bomb Group Foundation)

2nd Lt Robert Koper and his wife. (Courtesy 100th Bomb Group Foundation)

Part of the crew, Robert Koper centre with Wes Rodkey (Radio/Op - See text) and Charles Corea (Engineer)
(Courtesy 100th Bomb Group Foundation)


luquette-grave   tanowigch-grave  sundin-grave 

 zarzecki-grave  wing-grave

Burial details:
Ardennes American Cemetery, Nr Neupre, Liege, Belgium.

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