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17.09.1944 335FS/4FG P-51B 43-6841 Lt. Vozzy Location: Hoxfeld Germany. +

Remembrance Day Is Everyday

Mission: Fighter Escort for Airborne Assault

Date: 17
th September 1944

Unit: 335th FS, 4th FG.

Type: P-51B

Serial No. 43-6841

Coded: WD-J

Location: Hoxfeld Germany.

Pilot: Lt Nicholas W Vozzy. 0-707754. Killed. (Age 22)


Pilot Lt Nicholas W Vozzy with his P-51ccmedia-21452
cccPilot Lt Nicholas W Vozzy with his P-51. ccccccccccccccccccccccccNicholas seen here front row 2nd left with other fourth FG

The 4th Fighter Group were flying as cover for the airborne invasion to Wesel, Germany, when the squadron was jumped from behind by Fw190’s, two aircraft were hit and went down. Nicholas’s aircraft crashed at Hoxfeld. MACR 8984.

Burial Details:

American War Cemetery, Ardennes.
American War Cemetery, Ardennes.

Plot B, Row 38, Grave 15.

Research compiled by David King. Acknowledgments: Fold 3, A.B.M.C.

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