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19.01.1944. 7th PG 22nd Squadron 8th U.S.A.A.F.P38/F5 2nd Lt.Skiff Location: Watlington, Oxfordshire, England.

Remembrance Day Is Everyday

Mission: Ferry flight

Date: 19th January 1944.

Unit: 22nd Squadron, 7th Photographic Group.

Type: P38/F5

Serial: 42-67368.     

Coded: G2-                                                                   

Location: Watlington, Oxfordshire, England.                     

PILOT: 2nd Lt. Earl V Skiff. U.S.A.A.F. Killed.


Took-off from Honiton airfield on ferry flight to base, Mount Farm, Oxfordshire. (Station No.234)
Augered into tree tops near Greenfield Farm, just over a mile south east of Watlington. Reason unknown.

7th PG F5.(King)

(2) Skiff
2nd Lt. Earl V Skiff in his F5.(King)

(3) Earl's watch
2nd Lt. Earl Skiff's watch recovered from the crash site. (Croft)

(4) Crash sitecc(5) named tree at crash site
Left:Woodland area where Earl's F5 crashed. Right: This tree can still be found at the crash site. It still caries the inscription, Clarence Abbot Laing. West Virginia.Dated the 20th Jan 1944, the day after the crash, it is believed to have been left by one of the US soldier’s guarding the wreck.(Croft)

2nt Lt Earl V Skiff was first buried at Brookwood Cemetery, Surry, England, 5108 North, 9th Avenue.
In January 1949 he was repatriated to the U.S.A. and now rest in peace, at Forest Hill Cemetery, Birmingham, Alabama.

Researched by David King, Melvin Brownless and Mike Croft.

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